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  About Baton Twirling  

NBTA and USTA is the largest twirling organization in the world and sanctions many competitions; including state, regional, and the national championships held at The University of Notre Dame in July of each year. NBTA also holds a World Championships every three years, each located in different places across the globe.


The USA Team that has the privilege of representing the U.S. at NBTA’s World Championships consists of twirlers placed in the top-three at the National Championships in a specific, world-qualifying year in the Advanced Twirl, X-Strut, 2-Baton, Pairs, Rhythmic Twirl, and/or Team categories.  Before an athlete can move up through the Novice, Beginner, and Intermediate levels to eventually reach the Advanced level, they must win 5-8 first place awards in each level at NBTA sanctioned competitions. Each year thousands of twirlers from across the nation compete at the prestigious NBTA National Championships at Notre Dame University!


For more information regarding NBTA, please visit


This past summer our twirlers decided to attend USTA nationals, where they brought home several first places in the Festival of the Future. Our competitive groups do both NBTA and USTA competitions. 


For more information regarding USTA, please visit

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